Abdominal Exercise Routine For Strong & Sexy Abs

Abdominal Exercise Routine For Strong & Sexy Abs

FINALLY!! A Fun and Flirty Ab Routine You Can DANCE through! A Fun Choreographed “Dance” Step By Step Ab Routine Lesson You Can Do At Home Challenging for ALL Fitness Levels In this pole dancing ab routine, you will learn how to do a “dance” ab...
BEST Sexy Yoga Workout For A Better Sculpted Booty

BEST Sexy Yoga Workout For A Better Sculpted Booty

Getting a sexy, toned, and fit booty (or butt to be exact) is a very common desire amongst woman these days.   Some say it’s a basic primal desire and a tightly sculpted, round booty is a feature that resembles a “healthy breeder” on a subconscious...
Dance Technique Conditioning Exercises For Slimmer Legs & A Sexy Walk

Dance Technique Conditioning Exercises For Slimmer Legs & A Sexy Walk

So you have been doing your strengthening exercises and learning your pole dancing routines to burn those extra calories and now you need to learn how to feel as confident and sexy as you can.  Feeling sexy and confident is an inside job, something you exude outwards...
Life Changing Way To Feel Confident While Pole Dancing For a Workout

Life Changing Way To Feel Confident While Pole Dancing For a Workout

Pole dancing for a workout has a way of putting the pressure on a woman to feel sexy. Just looking at a stripper pole make many women feel inadequate. Some people won’t even try pole fitness dancing because they don’t think they are sexy or strong enough. Those...

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