Stripper or Fitness | How to Explain Dancing Pole to Your Kids?

Stripper or Fitness | How to Explain Dancing Pole to Your Kids?

Explaining pole dancing for fitness at home to kids isn’t easy to do but definitely possible. I’ve been asked many times by friends or relatives, Is Pole Dancing Bad? or if it is a negative influence on their kids and teenagers as it is mainly associated...
Is Pole Dancing A Good Workout? | Benefits of Pole Dancing

Is Pole Dancing A Good Workout? | Benefits of Pole Dancing

As a pole dancer I get asked often, is pole dancing a good workout or is pole dancing good exercise? Learn all about the benefits of pole dancing in this blog. It’s common for people to wonder why and how pole dancing is a good workout.  If you have ever seen a pro...
The Truth On Pole Dancing For Kids | Is Pole Dancing A Sin?

The Truth On Pole Dancing For Kids | Is Pole Dancing A Sin?

Pole dancing for kids is trending. Some people ask; Is pole dancing a sport? or Is pole dancing a sin? We’ll discuss these topics in this article. The short answer is, pole dancing is not a sin. Using a pole for fitness and keeping physically fit and healthy is a...

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