Life may be short, life is precious. It’s vitally important to have a strong and deep understanding of ourselves and I’m not talking about how your friends of family perceive you but rather an understanding of the unique YOU.
It’s common for each and every one of us to get caught up in feeling good when other people like us, when we are succeeding in our jobs, when we are a good mom, or when we have a goal or mission in life that makes us feel valuable but are those things a true reflection of YOU? Who are you really?
If you take all those things away and look yourself in the mirror now, can you say that you are living your unique and authentic life? Can you say that you deeply know yourself and love yourself? Most of you will draw a blank.
The greatest gift that pole dancing for a workout gives you is the gift of really knowing yourself and if you haven’t experienced this gift yet, then I would like to invite you to keep reading and allow me to show you this hidden gem.
When I started pole dancing for fitness, I lived in a small town of about 5000 people in Wyoming (with no Wal-Mart). The culture of the town is very conservative and old-fashioned, new concepts are likely to be squashed if you attempt to bloom them in that culture. Jobs were hard to come by and financial success of most people are unheard of; most people work desk jobs and there are no corporate ladders to climb.
In a place like that, it can feel difficult to be yourself because the social support to be different isn’t as available as it is in other areas. At that time, it never crossed my mind that I would own a very successful and wealthy pole dancing supply company and teach mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and men pole dancing across the globe. In my mind, it was never a thought because why would it be? That’s wasn’t possible for me. Who was I? A small town girl, with little to no support, no money, and little education to succeed. And I did succeed – bigger than I EVER dreamed possible and I did it by really being my authentic self at the core.
Pole dancing for fitness helped me develop this and opened the door for grandeur and dreams I didn’t have the ability to plan out myself. This miracle can happen to you too, only you will express that miracle in YOUR unique way IF you do one thing, learn to really be you and sing your own unique note in life. When you do this, thoughts and dreams you never thought possible arrive as if by magic. People you need to help you come forward, your life gets bigger, and you suddenly find yourself living your dreams with ease.
How can pole dancing help you re-discover your authentic self? It’s right in front of you : )
The moment you step onto the dance floor and grab ahold of your pole dancing pole at home, if you listen closely inside yourself, you will find your thought telling you things like “jeez my cellulite gets worse when I squeeze the pole with my thighs”, “I really need to lose weight to be good at this”, “that other girl is so good in class, I feel like an elephant in the room, why can’t I be as good as her, maybe I should quit”, and so on. You have heard that voice, we ALL have it.
When the voice starts to talk when you are doing your pole dancing, you must learn to let those things go in order to really enjoy your dancing and learn something new like how to descend gracefully out of a pole spin. The voice will never leave so it’s not about ignoring or denying what you hear, it’s about noticing them, letting them go (even if it’s temporary while you’re pole dancing) and allowing your consciousness to shift back to focusing on the joy of what you are practicing, the JOY of the dance.
The very act of getting on the pole will automatically bring up every subconscious reason you DON’T feel sexy and that’s a gift. The real reason you don’t feel sexy or love yourself is that you have buried negative points of view about yourself over time and refused to deal with them.
Pole dancing for fitness and for the joy of it allows you to deal with the thoughts & feelings you have buried alive.
When those thoughts are allowed to leave and you allow yourself to choose a different point of view then you automatically learn more about yourself, who you really are, and what you stand for.
This may all sound a little crazy, but it’s has worked for me and it will work for you too. My wish for you is to allow pole dancing to take you somewhere you can’t even fathom yet.
The moment you let go of all those negative things buried alive, the moment you stop dancing for approval of others but for your own joy is the moment you start living your life from your authentic self. And when you are your authentic self, you are potent and will automatically know the dreams you wish to live in your own unique way.
This emotional growth and development will automatically apply to the rest of your life.
It will change how you connect with others, it will change how you interact with your family, it will change how much weight or stock you put in the opinions of others when they say bad things about you.
What becomes POSSIBLE for you will change – that’s the gift.
You can grow more confident, more relaxed, and live your dreams, all you need to do is allow yourself to be you and stop believing every negative thing you hear about yourself in your head as the permeant truth of who you are today : )
Want to learn more? Here is a wonderful video called “The Art Of Being You” that helps me in times of darkness:
This is a very enlightening article! I love it!
Thank you so much. = )
This is precisely why I finally started pole (like this week)! Thank you for an insightful and affirming piece!
You are very welcome Sarah! Im so happy you are making some decision and life choices to serve you and and your great soul!! Happy Travels! : )