Top 3 Best Dance Poles For Use On Carpet

Top 3 Best Dance Poles For Use On Carpet

When choosing a dance pole that is safe to use on carpet, it isn’t the brand, finish type or size of the pole that makes any difference when installing on a carpeted surface.   It’s the design of the base of the dance pole that makes all the difference...
How to Get Started with Pole Dancing If You Wear Eyeglasses?

How to Get Started with Pole Dancing If You Wear Eyeglasses?

Pole dancing and eyewear can be tricky and troublesome. Especially, if you are not comfortable wearing contact lenses. But here are some solutions for you. Pole dancing is one of the best ways to celebrate your physicality and femininity. As a full-body activity, it...
Mounted Aerial Hoop Home Installation | Full Guide

Mounted Aerial Hoop Home Installation | Full Guide

Planning your aerial hoop home installation? Read our blog for a full guide on aerial hoop installation from aerial hoop frame to aerial hoop ceiling mount. Installing your aerial rig can be a daunting and challenging feat.  We break down the different elements to...
Lupit Accessories For Rigging and Mounting

Lupit Accessories For Rigging and Mounting

Lupit accessories are reliable and designed to function well with your aerial workout equipment such as lyra hoops and aerial silks. When it comes to setting up your aerial space, there are many essential accessories that can help you get the most out of your aerial...
Great Pole Dance Gift Ideas for Your Pole Dancer Friend

Great Pole Dance Gift Ideas for Your Pole Dancer Friend

There are many pole dance gift ideas to buy. Here we made a list of gift idea for pole dancers such as pole dancing accessories or online pole dance lessons. Need help to find a suitable gift for your pole dancer friend? Christmas is around the corner and you want to...
Pole Fitness Dancing | Let Dance Move Your Soul

Pole Fitness Dancing | Let Dance Move Your Soul Pole Fitness Dancing ( is a pole oasis founded by Danna Rossi and has grown over the years to be a leading provider of high quality...

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