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Lesson 3 | Learn The Play & Win Pole Dancing Routine For Beginners Step By Step

Welcome to the THIRD lesson in this pole dancing routine.  For those of you who are new, this pole dancing routine is broken apart in step by step lessons in a 5 part series so you can learn a pole dancing routine for beginners online (you can also replace some of the beginner pole spins with more intermediate or advanced pole tricks for a more “advanced” pole dance routine).

If you made it this far, congrats!!  For beginners, there are a million excuses to give up.  Pole dancing workouts challenges your attitude as well as your fitness level – nobody said it was easy, but there is something that feels good and rewarding about achieving something that was challenging right?

Anything, including your pole dancing lessons routine, that doesn’t challenge you won’t change you!

First off, before you move on to the third pole dancing lesson below, you should understand the basic of the first lesson in this series and be able to tie it together with the second lesson in this series.

Spend sometime working through lesson 1 and 2 so you understand the choreography before you move on to lesson 2 in this routine.

Now, as I have said before, you don’t need to have lesson 1 and 2 down PERFECTLY!  You brain needs to understand what’s happening and how to execute things with proper dance technique.  It may take time for you body to catch up to what you brain knows and that’s ok : )

This third lesson is a little shorter because you will be learning how to do a spinning pole sit with your legs folded back (or crossed over) and then transitioning into a passe’ decent pole move.   Combining these two moves together in a sexy FLUID way so it flows well can take some time for beginners.

This weeks focus is flow!  Try to do things smoothly with grace and ease.  Remember to keep your shoulders back and down as you climb the pole and descend off the pole in this lesson.

As stated in the first two lesson, a proper warm up and stretching are critical before you begin this lesson. 

If you don’t have any pole dancing warm up exercises or stretches to do before you begin learning this pole dance routine, then you can get those in the PoleBody® Complete Home Edition Pole Dancing Lessons (along with a lot of other per-choreographed pole dancing routines like this one – for all fitness levels).

If you already own the PoleBody® Complete Home Edition Pole Lesson Online Course, please login first and use the following links below to get warmed up before practicing the pole dance routine below:

Warm Up with the Warm Up Routine #1 - which is a complete pole dance routine warm up originally choreographed to "One More Night" by Maroon 5.  It's super fun and dancy!!  Yes, it's the same routine used in lesson 1 and 2, however, I find it best that students keep doing the same warm up routine when learning a brand new pole dancing routine because your mind is challenged with new choreography.  You don't need to get yourself overwhelmed by learning new choreography  in both your pole dance routine workout AND your warm up routine at the same time!
Then do a complete whole body stretch here =>


Here we go!  Grab your pole dance fitness clothes and start Lesson 3 In this pole dancing routine for beginners:

If you enjoyed this pole dancing lesson and this pole dancing routine is a joy, please SHARE it!!  It warms my heart when you do : ) And remember to comment below~

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See you at the next pole lesson : )


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