Pole dancing strength training is a way to improve dance routine. Pole strength exercises and weight training for pole dancing are among ways to build muscles in between pole classes.
Pole fitness is one of the great ways to build true muscle strength. During pole exercise a lot of movements involve anti gravity force. These moves are mainly focus on your body grip on the pole. Overtime you will build your body muscles such as; arm, chest, core, shoulders and legs.
Of course with consistency in practise one can achieve the muscle strength needed for pole fitness. However there are certain practices that can be done to speed-up pole strengthening via learning the technique of engagement in the main body parts. Knowing the muscles involved in your sport, you will naturally enhance your performance. Below, we will isolate the main body parts that will benefit from more awareness and strengthening to advance in pole fitness.
1) Upper Body
Pole dancers over time develop a strong upper body as this part is engaged the most in pole dancing. The majority of pole moves rely on the arms and shoulders to manipulate the body in different pole moves.
Below are examples of strength training for pole dancing that target upper body strength and engagement.
Pole strengthening exercises are not only beneficial to your dance pole routine, but also in your day to day life.
It is crucial to warm-up before the start of these workouts. Especially since the training is targeting to enhance your muscle and joint strength. Many women complain that they can’t do a single pull-up or a simple push-up. But worry not, with consistent pole dancing strength exercises you will start seeing results and reaching different goal milestones. This process can take longer for some people and it can be much quicker to some other. The important element is commitment.
The main ingredient to any goal in life is commitment
2) Core Muscles
Another group of pole dance strengthening exercises target your core muscles. This will give you the ability to manoeuvre your body weight and support your entire body in different movements. Learning to engage the core and working on core strength conditioning can enhance these moves.
Strengthening the core muscle through strength training will make a lot of moves that you struggle with easier and more controlled. Not only that, having a strong core will help make huge difference in your day to day life. For instance; the risk of back injuries or worst abdominal hernia would be significantly reduced once you build up your core muscles.
Exercises that engage and challenge the core muscles are great to incorporate in your routine workout. The mother of all core muscle exercises in my opinion is the plank. It strengthens the core muscles but also the upper body, shoulders, and the whole body!
3) General pole dance strength conditioning
Depending on the genre of pole dance that you enjoy, you will need to develop consistent conditioning to build strength in movements that you regularly execute. Achieving control and fluidity comes with awareness and below are some general elements to take into account when conditioning your body for pole dance.
How do i get stronger at pole dancing? The short answer is practise. But one important tip is to focus on building the upper body first. Generally speaking, when your upper body is able to handle your body weight, it gives you more chance to try different movements using other body parts as you progress in your pole journey
Hope the guide on the major body parts involved in pole fitness was helpful to give an idea of what to focus on in strengthening exercises. Regular strength training is a worthy investment to advance in pole dancing, avoid injuries and expand the possibilities of movements and expression.